How To Live In A Mobile Home Permanently Without Regrets
You’ve been looking into mobile homes for a while now. They’re affordable, made with high-quality standards, and offer you the kind of lifestyle you’ve been wanting. But you’re not sure if you’re ready to sell your traditional home and make the leap.
You’re wondering if others have done it successfully. And if so, you want to know how to live in a mobile home permanently.
How to live in a mobile home permanently – and not regret it
As you’ve probably already discovered, mobile homes aren’t all that mobile. In fact, they can be quite costly to move. This means that most mobile homes today could really be classified as another type of permanent housing. Of course, that doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy living in one permanently! To get the most out of your future home, we recommend you consider these four things:
- the quality of the home
- the foundation under your mobile home
- your location or mobile home community
- the ability to add-on or remodel your home.
“Mobile home” is a term used to describe both mobile homes and manufactured homes. In truth, there is a difference between the two. If a “mobile home” was built after June 15, 1976, then it was designed according to newly implemented HUD standards and is formally referred to as a manufactured home.
Even though the terms are used interchangeably, it’s important to understand the difference if you’re looking for a permanent home. Because of the safety standards imposed after 1976, a manufactured home is most likely a better choice than a pre-HUD-code mobile home.
Manufactured homes undergo several inspections and are held to high standards. However, the types of materials used can differ depending on the manufacturer and the price of the home. It’s always a good idea to check on the quality of the materials and make sure they’ll last.
Building a foundation
If you’re planning to purchase a manufactured home and have it delivered to your ideal site, building a foundation for the home should be high on your list of priorities. A foundation contributes to the safety, permanency, and future value of your home. Depending on your needs and what is allowed by building codes in your area, you’ll need to select a long-lasting foundation.
There will be different styles of foundations for you to choose from, but you don’t have to get overwhelmed by the number of options. Read here for more information on some common types of foundations and how they are built. And remember to check into building codes before you start building your foundation!
Location is important
Regardless of your type of housing, it’s important to consider your location. With mobile homes, you have several options. You can install your home on land that you own. Or, you have the option of living in a mobile home park. While this gives you access to the amenities of the park, you’ll also be living in close proximity to your neighbors. So it’s important to consider their lifestyles carefully.
It’s okay to take your time doing this. Decide on your expectations before you settle into a community. What kind of behavior crosses the line? It’s a good idea to give a lot of thought to your standards for a mobile home park before you decide if living there is for you. Moving a mobile home is expensive, so you don’t want to be hasty in your decision.
Living in a mobile home permanently means that it’ll need to see you through different seasons of your life. Many mobile home owners are DIYers and appreciate the opportunity to make their homes grow with them. It’s a good idea to check if additions are allowed in your area. Some mobile home parks won’t allow you to add on to your home, or they’ll only allow certain types of projects. Even if your home sits on a piece of land that you own, you’ll still need to check with your local building department before you attempt any permanent renovations.
Any room that you add on to your home will need to comply with HUD standards. For instance, let’s say you want to add a bedroom to your mobile home. If the bedroom contains a lockable door separating the added bedroom from one of the HUD-mandated exit points of your original home, you’re in violation of the code. This means the room is no longer considered a bedroom.
Unfortunately, this can decrease the value of your home if you ever try to sell it. This article has more helpful tips concerning mobile home additions.
Ready to decide?
To sum it all up, in-depth research and careful planning are your best friends as you figure out how to live in a mobile home permanently – and not regret it. You’ve got a lot of exploring to do and our blog is here to help. Read up on the benefits of mobile home living, how to organize your mobile home, tips on buying, and more! Your next adventure is waiting to happen!