Few things can wreak havoc on your mobile home quite as well as the elements can. Tornadoes, earthquakes, and floods are just a few of the weather-related disasters that occur around the world every day. If you’ve already experienced one of these giants, you probably...
As a rule of thumb, most folks generally understand the need for insurance. And many times, it doesn’t have to be mentioned twice before they go and buy it. However, for those of us who like to live on the edge and go without insurance, this may prove to be a problem....
In the event that you find yourself evacuated from your beloved mobile home, do you know what steps to take?We hope you do. And if you don’t, follow along. We’ve got your back and we’ll walk you through some of the must take steps should you find yourself in such a...
Unfortunately, life is full of danger. You will find it no matter where you go. The same can be said if you are living in a mobile home. Luckily there are steps you can take to keep you and your family safe.You can take steps to protect your house and other...
The weather is finally warm, and things are getting greener, which means it’s almost summer! But before you go too far with your vacation planning, there are a few mobile home related things we need to think about. What we mean is, it’s time for your mobile home...