Did you now that you can install brick siding for your mobile home? The upgrade can be a fantastic investment. It is an excellent option if you want to increase the value of the property before selling. But it is also an excellent choice if you want a change in your...
Are you ready to let your used mobile home go? Whether you’re selling it out of need or profit, you can benefit from expert advice to seal the deal. It can be an anxious and drawn-out process. Enough so that many people procrastinate starting it. What you need...
Analysts predict that the mobile home market will grow at a CAGR of 7.86% during the period 2017-2021. This is pretty astounding. It also means that it’s a fantastic opportunity for you to get involved in this industry. Get inspired. Check out these three great...
There’s no doubt you have thought about the value of your mobile home at one point, and maybe you’re thinking about it right now. But have you thought about how to increase the value of a manufactured home? And did you know you can increase the value with a few...
Does my manufactured home hold value? Can it appreciate? How do I know if it does? Have you ever worried yourself over these questions? Then worry no more! While there isn’t one simple answer to these questions, there are a few ways to find out, and those ways are not...