4 Easy Ways To Increase Your Home’s Curb Appeal In The Fall

by | Sep 25, 2019 | Blog, Home Sales

As you probably know, fall always seems to bring the best fresh breezes and invigorating weather. And along with fresh weather, comes fresh perspective and inspiration. So before you squash your excitement, we want to give you a few easy ways to channel your new-found energy. We’re going to tell you exactly how to increase your FSBO home’s curb appeal this fall. Let’s get started.

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Your mailbox

If you’re anything like the average United States citizen, you have a mailbox. Chances are it needs a little bit of help, though. Maybe it’s metal and it’s starting to rust. Or maybe it’s plastic and it has a crack. It’s even possible it’s completely fallen over and is laying on the ground waiting for someone to come stand it back up.

Whatever the case may be, there are hundreds of solutions to your problem. If your mailbox is metal, giving it a quick sand, and repainting it is probably your best option. However, plastic mailboxes can’t easily be repainted and still look good. Therefore, your best option may be buying a new mailbox. But before you buy one, take a look at our other curb appeal suggestions so you don’t end up with one that doesn’t match your other house updates.

Your front door

It should come as no surprise that the first thing people see and take notice of at your house is your front door. More than likely, if you don’t have a doorbell, visitors actually touch your door to knock. This means it’s important to have your door looking it’s very best. 

One simple and charming way to show your door some love is to repaint it. This fairly simple project that costs less than $100 will be well worth your time. And hopefully, you will be in love with the outcome. HGTV gives us all the details and explains exactly how to do it best. Also, read this article from HGTV to figure out some favorite front door colors.  

Another way to add some pizzazz to your front door is to implement the use of “door decor.” You can debunk the common misconception that wreaths are only for the holiday season. There are many different options for wreaths that give you all the fall feels. And not only can you buy fall wreaths, but if you’re feeling in a crafty mood you can also make your own fall wreath!  

Your lawn

While every aspect of your house is vying for the first place position of importance, your yard may just take the cake without even asking. Your lawn is almost a separate aspect of your house. Because it literally stands alone and does its own thing. However, it still takes plenty of maintenance.

Sometimes when fall comes around, we become lax in our yard duties. Mowing and weed-eating fall by the wayside. This is generally because grass doesn’t grow as fast in the fall, so we forget about it. But keeping weeds eaten and leaves raked is an extremely important job. When prospective buyers come to see your house, they like to see a neat lawn and neat house.  

If you own a leaf-blower, that’s excellent. This will streamline the process of removing leaves from your yard. If not, a good, old-fashioned rake will do the job. Overall, keeping your yard raked, grass short, and weeds to a minimum are the three most important yard jobs for fall. If buyers are impressed with the yard, that’s an excellent selling point. 

Your flowerbeds

While this is closely related to your yard, we split it and your yard into two topics to make things easier. Let’s talk about flowerbeds. If your house is lucky enough to have them, you’re probably sighing as you think about the help they need. But before you stress out, let us tell you a few ways to keep on top of them.  

Most likely, any summer flowers you’ve had in them are dead by this point in time. This means it’s time to take a hoe in hand and remove all the dead plants. You don’t have to be meticulous, but take 20 minutes to extract all unwelcome visitors. After you’ve finished that, it’s time for new mulch!  

Gardening flower bed

You can either buy bagged mulch at a home improvement store, get it delivered, or if you have a trailer, pick up a load by yourself. Don’t forget to figure out how much you need before you go to buy. This will save you time when you’re at the store. And when spreading new mulch, keep in mind you want it about 2-3 inches thick. With fresh mulch you may be inspired to plant some fall and winter plants. Or perhaps, just leave it as is!

Explore new options

As we always say, the sky is the limit. But this is especially true when it comes to an aspect of home renovations that is very creative. For the most part, you can’t go wrong with house updates, if you make sure you coordinate, and don’t do anything too outdated. We wish you all the best in your curb appeal endeavors! For more, be sure to check out these FSBO tips.

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