Mobile Home Resource Videos

Learn What Pictures We Need

It may seem like an easy task to take photos, however, we need very specific pictures in order to properly assess your home.  We encourage you to watch this video in order to get a good understanding of what we need.  In the end, it will help us get a good idea of your home’s condition and layout, while at the same time, greatly reducing your need to send us additional pictures.


Winterizing Your Mobile Home

Dan teaches you how to winterize your mobile home in Four easy steps.  Freezing weather can cause hundreds of dollars in damage and I’ve even heard it gets up in the thousands if you have to hire someone.  The proper winterization of your mobile home will prevent the pipes from freezing up and cracking on you.  Give us a call if you have any questions.

How To Measure Your I-beams

If you are wanting to move your mobile home you’ll have to make sure the axels are under the home. If they are not, your mover may request that you take a measurement for them so they can bring the correct size for transport.  In this short video, Dan takes you through the steps to get this information to your mover, possibly saving the mover an extra trip, which equals an additional expense to you. 

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