A Summer Inspection Checklist For Your Mobile Home
The weather is finally warm, and things are getting greener, which means it’s almost summer! But before you go too far with your vacation planning, there are a few mobile home related things we need to think about. What we mean is, it’s time for your mobile home summer inspection. Not that you need someone official to check your mobile home. This is an inspection you can complete yourself!
If you’re worried about exactly what this means, we’ve got you covered. Today, we’re going to go over a simple summer inspection checklist for your mobile home. We’ll talk about easy, basic things to check on, and also a few more in-depth things to keep an eye on. Everything will be very simple, but definitely necessary to inspect. Let’s get started!
Staying cool
Generally, because of the heat that comes with the long, fun days of summer, checking on your A/C is going to be a very important aspect of your inspection. No doubt, your parents and grandparents will tell you grueling stories of living their lives with no A/C and try to convince you that you can live without it. But as long as you’ve got it, you might as well put it to good use. Therefore, making sure it works before you need it is a rather smart idea.
Clean your air ducts/vents
If you’re not looking forward to the cloud of dust that comes out of your vents when you first turn on the A/C, we have a simple solution for you. Grab a vacuum cleaner, and take off the grates from the floor and/or ceiling. Vacuuming the insides only takes a minute for each duct. But do remember to watch out for anything important you may have dropped down there during the winter.
Check your thermostat
Generally, for more modern A/C systems, a quick glance at your thermostat will tell you if you need to replace the battery. Subsequently, if you see a battery symbol that looks mostly empty, then it’s time to get a new battery.
Check your filter
No doubt, if you ran your A/C all last summer without changing the filter, you’re going to be needing a new one. Find out what size you need by looking at the dimensions on the filter, and then head to your local hardware store or go online to get one.
An overview
If you need any more help with your furnace, check out this article to learn exactly how to service your own furnace. Learning to do it yourself will save you money because it means you don’t have to hire someone!
Checking for leaks
For the most part, summer is a fairly dry, warm time of year. Which means it’s a good time to check for leaks around your mobile home. During the winter, it’s possible that some of your pipes froze. Subsequently, some of your pipes may be cracked or broken. Let’s take a look at a few key places to check for leaks.
Your kitchen is the heart of your home, which means it’s probably filled with non-stop hustle and bustle, especially during the summer months. Check under your sink for any signs of moisture, then take a look at the pipes themselves for any signs of dripping. If no dripping is apparent, turn on the faucet for a few seconds, and check while it’s running.
You’ll want to do the same thing you did in your kitchen in all your bathrooms, to be sure there aren’t any leaks. If you do find leaks, you can either replace the pipes or try to patch it up.
Check your windows
Usually, when it’s summer, it’s time to open all the windows, let the fresh air in, and let the stale, winter air out. But watch out if you don’t have screens in your windows! Or if you have holes in the screens you do have. The first time you open your windows, you’d better be ready for the bug invasion of ‘19. Therefore, to ensure that your home is your home, and yours alone, check all your windows for proper fitting screens.
Say hello to summer
Now that you’ve gotten your mobile home under control for the summer, it’s time to get creative. Summer is the time for barbecues, picnics, and all things outdoors! But with summer also comes intense heat. Check out these ideas to keep cool in your mobile home this summer. And while you’re at it, why not decorate your mobile home with some summer fun?